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Monday, April 11, 2011

And it Just Gets Deeper

In Bellow's latest rants, he not only goes into great detail about the budget crises, but he gives a poorly written, accusatory statement regarding attorney Furlow and the school board.

Let's start with the budget.  Of course Bellow makes it out to be the Democrats' fault that it took so long to reach an agreement, when every OTHER reporting source clearly states the reasons, and the blame fell on the Republican party.  Bellow thinks that Planned Parenthood, one of the programs that the Dems refused to cut funding to, needed to go -- that it wasn't important.  I guess he doesn't care if women with no health care coverage die of cervical or breast cancer.  Planned Parenthood provides abortions -- yes -- and it amounts to about 5% of their total services.  The remaining 95% of services involve the health of women, something Bellow does NOT think is important.

As far as the Furlow/school board accusations, Bellow STILL believes that somehow Furlow's back county taxes are somehow intertwined with his volunteer services to LISD.  Bellow thinks that his wages would have been garnished and that's why LISD wasn't paying him?  Wha....?  It's really hard to decipher his point in that post, as his writing is even more horrible than normal.  I guess he didn't have one if his educated friends edit it for him.  Either way, he just can't believe that the two could be unrelated.

I have asked Bellow to do the following:

He asks everyone ELSE to be transparent and honest.  Let's see just how honest HE can be.  SHOW US, DAVID!  What DO YOU DO?  Do you work or do you just like having others pay taxes to cover the benefits your receive from the federal government as a "soldier that will never, ever have to risk his life?"

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Bellow Insists that School Districts are the Reason for Layoffs, Not Texas Budget!

In Bellow's latest ramble, he tries to convince readers that first of all, the reason teachers across the state are losing their jobs is NOT because the Texas budget has been completely mishandled, and secondly, he has the audacity to question the way in which these districts are laying off teachers -- as if they have a choice!  Never once does he mention the real problem, which would be the Texas budget.  RICK PERRY.  The state is in this position because of the poor handling of the Texas budget!  Bellow doesn't say that though; he'd have to admit that HIS REPUBLICAN governor screwed up.  He asks why district administrators aren't cutting their pay to save teachers, yet he hasn't asked why the governor isn't cutting his pay to save jobs!

He then goes on a rant about how the districts are firing the WRONG people.  He insists that just because teachers are new, and  probationary (or many of them not certified), that doesn't necessarily mean they should lose their jobs.  He thinks that some of the "old and bad" teachers should be fired, you know, the ones that have worked their asses off for years.  Oh, that sounds like a plan.  Lumberton Independent School District administrators didn't choose their layoffs based on tenure/contract status.  There were teachers that were laid off that WERE probationary, and there were some that were not offered a contract for next year that had been there for years.  Get your information correct!  And if Bellow is simply talking about BISD, then by ALL MEANS, please move to BEAUMONT!

I guess Bellow has a suggestion to fix all this too, except he didn't bother to include it in his rant.  Just more bitching without an actual answer or suggestion to said problem -- isn't that how he always functions!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Bellow is Accusatory and Slanderous in the Hardin County News

In the March 23rd edition of the Hardin County News Bellow once again accuses LISD and their former lawyer for unethical budgetary practices.  The problem?  He doesn't have ANYTHING to back up his accusations.  Even current LISD attorney Curtis Soileau is shocked at the allegations that Bellow makes against former LISD attorney Kenneth Furlow.  As a lifelong friend of Furlow's, Soileau finds Bellow's accusations so absurd that he's not even surprised that Furlow didn't bother issuing a statement to defend himself.  Although Furlow had not been paid for his services for LISD since January of 2006, Soileau explains, "It's not uncommon for attorneys to not charge for some of their services, and the State Bar of Texas encourages attorneys to volunteer and donate at least 50 hours of time to clients" (Miles, 2011). 

A self-proclaimed Christian, Bellow can't imagine someone giving their services freely (I guess he wouldn't), and although Bellow has ZERO proof of any of his allegations, he says, "Obviously there was some arrangement made where he would not be paid and it would be kept secret" (Miles, 2011).  OBVIOUSLY?  Really?  Because there's not a thing in ANY of the public documents that you've demanded or any of the statements made by Furlow, LISD, the school board, or Soileau that would indicate anything OBVIOUS going on.  Bellow, you jump to conclusions, you expect the worst out of people, and you write slanderous statements about those who give their time to the community.  That's very Christian-like of you.  I'm not sure if they taught you this in your schooling at A&M or in your online ministry program, but you can't just demand documents that show a little of this and a little of that, and then DECIDE that there's something illegal going on. And when you write these accusations out in a blog or article, or whatever form of written media you choose, it's called LIBEL.  Learn your laws!  I thought you had a degree in political science?  I know they go over that in class.  Were you in class during that lesson or where you off gallivanting around Lumberton with a clipboard and petition that day?

I notice that there is nothing mentioned on Bellow's Hardin County Conservatives blog regarding this "breaking news story," nor is there anything on his main website.  (A guy with a really big ego can never have too many websites, you know!)  Why aren't you commenting on this one, Bellow?  Did you realize that you look like a total dumbass and decide to shut up for once?

In one of Bellow's latest blog posts regarding his healthcare bill lawsuit he states that he has a full time job.  WHAT is that full time job?  It's not the prison.  He made it clear that he no longer works there, and that's why those men were able to escape.  Had HE been there, he could have kept the community safe by ensuring that all was well at the prison.  I'm surprised he lost his job there.  It sounds like (according to him) that he was the only competent guard they had!

Now Bellow is apparently "interviewing," and yes I use that term so very loosely, people in the community regarding the "liberal Texas media."  Seriously?  Is that your big story to comment on now?  It seems to be that for Bellow at least, anything associated with the truth is deemed "liberal."  From his actions, I would say anyone acting like a paranoid schizophrenic could be deemed "very conservative."  According to Bellow, every action by LISD and the school board is underhanded and "fishy," and no one in the city can be trusted -- except for him of course.

Bellow, shut up!  Just shut up until you actually find something factual to talk about -- it would save room on the front of the Hardin County News for more important things, like what's ACTUALLY happening in the community!

On a side note, since Bellow was such a huge player in the ban on alcohol sales in Lumberton, I wanted to share a quick story.  I, as a Lumberton citizen, drove the eight minutes north to the gas station near the Beaumont Colony subdivision to buy a SIX-PACK of beer.  That's right.  An entire SIX beers because I was having guests over -- surely an amount of alcohol to cause me to spiral into an abyss of alcoholism, child abuse, drug use, and homelessness, as Bellow would claim.  Anyway, while there, inside the store, I saw FOUR fellow Lumberton citizens, all buying beer.  Yes.  Lumbertonians drink beer.  Can you believe it?  Here's my point, however:  in the maybe five minutes that I was in that store, I watched FOUR Lumberton citizens give over $8 in taxes NOT TO THE CITY OF LUMBERTON.  I know $8 doesn't sound like a lot, but this was in about five minutes from only four patrons.  Two of those individuals also bought gas and other items while in the store.  I wonder, throughout the day, or even a week, how much tax revenue Lumberton loses to that one store?  What about the two Shell stations at Tram Road on the opposite end of the city?  Hmmm.  I bet Lumberton could make enough money off alcohol sales tax alone to keep our teachers hired.  Just a thought. 

Miles, S. (2011, March 23). Former attorney not paid for years. Hardin County News, pp.1A, 6A.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Bellow Thinks our Kids aren't Worth the Money, Hides his Sentiments behind Statistics

In one of his latest blog posts, Bellow tries (poorly) to explain federal and state funding of education.  He throws around some statistics and basically does whatever he can to try to justify the fact that HIS Republican Governor, RIP-US-OFF-PERRY, has slashed educational spending within the Texas budget.  Read for yourself how much Bellow thinks of our students, teachers, and educational system HERE.  But if you would like to read between the lines and understand why UTAH'S average SAT score is higher than that of Texas students, take a look at THIS.  Seems as if there are quite a few more college-bound seniors taking the test in Texas rather than in Utah, thus bringing down the average.  Bellow, learn to READ STATISTICS.  You're an idiot.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not worried about what's going on in Utah.  I am, however, worried about our brother and sisters out there who are losing their teaching jobs and our sons and daughters who are being taught in classrooms that are becoming more and more overcrowded and lacking in resources.  ANYONE who has ever worked in education (NOT BELLOW) or run an educational program of any size (NOT BELLOW) knows and understands that SPENDING is an absolute must for the success of the students and the school district as a whole.  In this day and age, with teaching with technology being the leading trend, Lumberton is very quickly falling behind other schools IN TEXAS (not Utah) and this trend will continue until the state can get back on track with their budget and allocated educational funds.  Shoving thirty-four students into a classroom rather than twenty-four doesn't sound like better learning to me.

Bellow, your "degree" is supposedly in political science.  Tell me, how many classrooms have YOU worked in, how many accounting classes have YOU taken, or how many curriculum meeting have YOU attended?  Oh, that's right, NONE, because those aren't options down at the National Guard or the ambulance garage, are they?  And BY ALL MEANS, if you think Utah's educational system is SO great, then PLEASE move there.

Stick to things you know, like camouflage and band-aids.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

David's "Almost Five" Minutes of Fame

Tonight at the School Board meeting David Bellow jumped up to be first to voice his opinion in his five allotted minutes in the open forum.  He started in about that damn play and how damaging it had been to the students, etc, and everything was fine until he tried to bad-mouth Mr. Bilberry.  He was shut down!  He was told by a member of the School Board, "That IS ENOUGH."  Some woman objected from the back of the room that he still had a minute or so left to speak, as well as David giving his own pathetic objections, but they still told him that he was done.  This was followed by parent after parent and student after student giving the play accolades and giving their support to the district and to Mr. Bilberry.  Thank you, LISD, for shutting this idiot DOWN!

The rest of the meeting dealt with budgetary concerns, which we all know are an issue right now.  It is sad that we might lose educators, but we can thank Perry for that!

A List for You

Since David contends that he is merely an advocate for the community and wants to play an active role in city and county politics and exercise his civic duties, I've compiled a list of things he could do that would be much more helpful than running around spreading half-truths, posting copy-righted material on the Internet, smearing others names in the mud, and personally suing the federal government:

1.  Take your lawnmower (you do have one, don't you) and go mow the soccer fields at Veteran's Memorial Park.  You mentioned the grass was high -- do something about it.

2.  Get a garbage bag and walk along Mitchell, Keith, or Cooks Lake Roads and pick up trash.  Those roads are in desperate need of attention.

3.  Grab your (many) siblings and form a singing group/band to entertain the community.  We haven't had a Partridge Family around for some time.

4.  Go take a couple classes at the local college in ENGLISH, including reading, writing, and spelling.  Then take Business and Professional Speech.  I would suggest laying off any theater classes -- you seem to have that down pat.

5.  Volunteer to give an anti-bullying presentation at the junior high and high schools.  That would be very Christian-like of you and it's something that's much needed.  We sure can't do any plays about it to raise awareness; all the religious morons have meltdowns.

6.  Keep your religious beliefs to yourself.  We respect that you have your own, respect that we have ours.  You've judged enough people to no longer be able to call yourself a "Christian."  Your behavior is almost the opposite of the behavior expected of a decent Christian.

7.  Stop suing people.  You look like an idiot and a money hungry, lazy free-loader looking to make a quick dime off fame.  Be happy with who YOU ARE, not WHO KNOWS WHO YOU ARE.

8.  Go down to the local nursing home and volunteer your time to sit and visit with the elderly.  They are lonely, and you obviously have extra time on your hands.  Do something worthwhile with that time.

9.  Volunteer at your local animal shelter.  God loves animals, too, right?  Go clean up their poo and clean their cages.  God will be happy you did.

10. Move.  Move to another state -- maybe somewhere in the Bible Belt, where your antics would be better appreciated.  We don't like you here, and the few that might be able to stand you can only do so because you have manipulated them with your lies and misrepresentations.  You are a boil on the ass of Lumberton, Mr. Bellow.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lumberton High School Students Express Their Feelings Regarding Play

Read the comments here from various LHS students who clearly point out Bellow's inaccuracies regarding the anti-bullying play and put him in his place.  Bellow is an unwanted nuisance in our town.   One blog comment made a great point:  Bellow is using up valuable resources and time at the school district offices, police department, and county and city courts with his relentless requests for copies of documents as well as his needless meetings with officials.  He really thinks he's "somebody."  He needs a reality check.

Now What Exactly Does He Do For a Living?

On Bellow's blog he shares a link to a "TIME" magazine "article" regarding his lawsuit against the government.  You can visit that article HERE.  Within that article you'll read that Bellow is a PRISON GUARD.  Now, I thought he was an EMT?

Play WAS Performed: Bellow Leaves out Important Facts!

Read the article here

But even in the LHS Press, Lilly Atwood, the journalist, clearly stated, "The play encountered many hurdles before it was fully approved by the school district so it could be performed for the entire LHS student body."
I very seriously doubt that the original script, as it is illegally shown on Bellow's site, was the script that made the final cut for the performance.  Bellow twists words and leaves out fact.  

Bellow on County Taxes and Broken Swing Sets

Apparently his big plan was to help the city of Lumberton by "getting them some services" from the county (but didn't go into detail) and then went straight into how he would change the county for the better.  I don't know why this had not been addressed before, but apparently the biggest problem in Hardin County is the lack of swings and a couple tennis nets at the park, a torn American flag, and high grass on our soccer fields.  Whew!  Glad he figured that one out for us!  Oh, and David: a picture is something you take with a camera and hang on the wall; a pitcher is something you fill with fluid.  They have different pronunciations.  Thought you might want to know.  (I guess he didn't learn that in college.)

He Has a Growing Fanbase, Obviously

Check out what others are saying HERE

Bellow is Giving Lumberton a Bad Name

I have created this site in response to David Bellow's blog of lies.  I am sick and tired of this one lying, deceitful young man acting as if he's representing all of Lumberton's citizens.  I do not want to be associated with him one bit.  Not a single one of his "breaking stories" on his blog are true, and there are even discrepancies in the blog between what he says he does for a living and what's reported by other websites, which he includes as positive evidence on his blog.  This guy, who has claimed corruption in every sector of Lumberton's local city government and independent school district, is nothing more than an attention hog searching for a lawsuit.

Every single time he posts a new blog, I will fact check and put the TRUTH on this one.  I, for one, am tired of hearing people at my place of business, etc, talk about this "fool" from Lumberton, and assuming all Lumberton citizens have Bellow's level of intelligence and desire to stir unnecessary trouble.  I do not want the educated population from surrounding areas to think that we are all of this pathetic mind set.

If you're tired of his lies and relentless jabs at city officials, the school district, the federal government, and anyone else he might be able to sue, then please, feel free to come aboard and help me in my fact-checking.  I welcome the educated few in Lumberton to use this blog as a forum to express their educated opinions.